Eat apples to lose weight

Apple diet helps to lose weight quickly, get rid of excess weight and clean the body. This food is rich in potassium, fiber and fruit acids, which are beneficial to the human body. Even the freshly squeezed apple juice in the diet can help remove toxins and fats, and provide the body with various vitamins and iodine. By eating daily, you will reduce the possibility of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

What is the apple diet

When asked if it is possible to eat apples on a diet, the nutritionist answered in the affirmative. Eating these fruits is not only a necessity for weight loss, but also so, especially for people with gastrointestinal problems. Eating apples to lose weight includes eating only this fruit or combining it with other low-calorie foods.

Dietary rules

When buying apple diet products, please choose the freshest ones, preferably from your own garden or from a trusted seller. Do not remove the peel-it contains a lot of useful substances, in addition, it helps to better remove toxins from the intestines. If there are no contraindications, don't stick to one variety, choose 2-3 kinds of fruits to maximize the saturation of vitamins and trace elements in the body, and eat at least 5-6 times a day. And consult an expert before starting to lose weight.

Apple's benefits

In addition to burning fat, the apple diet can also promote gentle intestinal cleansing, help normalize basal metabolism, and fight constipation. Mashed potatoes and juice are particularly effective for this. The seeds contain a lot of iodine. If you eat 6 tablets a day, you will get a daily supply of this element. In addition to iodine, the product also contains sufficient amounts of potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, and the green variety holds the record of vitamin C. Apple fructose is extremely beneficial to health because it can stabilize blood sugar levels.

Apple weight loss

Which is better

When choosing weight loss products, we should start from the existing contraindications and personal preferences. If you have no health problems and your stomach acidity is normal, you can buy green fruits. They contain the most vitamins and minerals, and they can make very delicious salads. Pink and red varieties (except for green varieties) are suitable for diet, but a combination of different types is the best choice.

It is best to roast yellow fruits. Even dried fruits are used to lose weight, but their energy value is much higher than fresh ones. After eating half a kilogram of such a product, you will meet your daily calorie intake, and your hunger will quickly recover. You can use dried fruits to lose weight, but use a small amount to increase the diversity of the menu.

How much can you lose weight

Observing the diet of apples, it is realistic to lose up to 1. 5 kilograms a day, because they only contain 90 calories. For those who cannot tolerate long periods of time with this product alone, a fasting day can be arranged. One week, the weight will lose 6-7 kg. If you choose a three-day weight loss system for yourself, then stick to this diet twice a month, you can lose 5-6 kg.

Apple lose weight for 3 days

For people who want to get rid of 5 kg of excess weight, a 3-day diet is appropriate. Her menu is simple:

  1. The first day-apples and kefir. For each meal (5-6 times), eat 2 fruits and 1 tablespoon. The ratio of kefir is low.
  2. The second day-tea and apples. Eat fruits and green tea as you like (within 2. 5 kg per day).
  3. The third day-honey and apples. A day, you can eat 1. 5 kilograms of any form of product (raw, baked) and 3 tablespoons. Lake honey.
Apple and kefir for weight loss

Apple diet for 7 days

This diet is suitable for those who like these fruits very much, because they can only eat these fruits throughout the week. If it is difficult to tolerate such a diet, you can eat 1 slice of rye bread every day from the fifth day. In addition to these products, you can also drink green tea and mineral water. The 7-day menu is as follows:

  • 1 day and 7 days: 1 kg of product;
  • 2, 5, 6 days: 1. 5 kg each;
  • 3 and 4: 2 kg each.

Slimming menu

For those who find it difficult to sit alone on an apple for 7 days, there is another food option from the following menu:

  1. first day. Breakfast: grated apples (2 pieces), topped with lemon juice; lunch: salad of 3 fruits, green onions, parsley and 1 egg; dinner: 3 small fruits.
  2. second. Morning: a small bowl of unsalted rice with 3 fruits; afternoon: rice salad with apple sauce; evening: half of ordinary rice without salt.
  3. The third day. Breakfast: 2 fruits and 100 grams of cottage cheese; lunch: a mixture of cottage cheese, 2 teaspoons of honey and apple, cut into strips; dinner: cottage cheese (50 grams).
  4. 4. In the morning: grated 2 carrots and 1 apple; afternoon: add 2 teaspoons of apple and carrot salad. Honey and lemon zest; evening: 2 fruits (toasted) and 1 teaspoon. Honey.
  5. The fifth day. Breakfast: boiled and grated 1 carrot and 1 beet; lunch: 1 beet, 1 egg, one oatmeal; dinner: grated raw carrots with sugar (honey).
  6. 6. The first day's menu.
  7. 7. Food for the second day.

Baked apple diet

Baked products have a very important characteristic-lower acidity, so they are more easily absorbed by the body. To follow this plan, store 1. 5 kg of fruit every day, roast half of it, and eat the rest raw. Sugar should not be consumed, but it is recommended to drink plenty of water, but only if you want to eliminate toxins. In order to get rid of excess fluid in the body, you need to drink as little water as possible.

If this food choice is too harsh for you, try a more gentle regimen: In addition to baked products, drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir, additive-free yogurt every day. In addition to yogurt, you can also eat green vegetable salad, drink green tea, herbal tea, water, and freshly squeezed apple juice. Don't add sugar to cooked food. You can eat like this for no more than 7-10 days.

Baked apples to lose weight

Kefir apple

This type of apple diet can be followed up to one day a week. It not only helps to lose weight, but also helps to clean the entire body. Sometimes, this diet is recommended for women who can get rid of symptoms of poisoning. On the kefir-apple weight loss system, you need to eat 1 apple every 1-2 hours, drink half a cup of kefir with any fat content, and drink herbal tea and still water during the period.


This diet is considered useful because of the presence of fermented dairy products in the diet, which fill the body with protein and calcium. There are two types of cheese-apple diets: three-day and weekly. In the first case, you need to make a light cocktail of 150 grams of cheese and 1 bakery product (mixed with a blender) 3 times a day. In addition to drinks, you can also eat raw apples, drink plenty of water, and green tea. Lose 3 kg in 3 days.

If you decide to use the cheese-apple method to lose weight within a week, you will need 200 grams of fermented dairy products and 1. 5-2 kilograms of fruit every day. You can eat together or separately, but at least 5-6 times a day. Water and tea (herbal, green) are allowed. Such a diet for a week can lose up to 4-5 kilograms of excess weight, but you can only stick to it once a month.

On the water

This diet should last no more than three days because it is very difficult. The essence is to consume one and a half kilograms of fruit (half raw, the rest-baking) and 8 cups of pure mineral water every day. You can mash the apples or make a salad with lemon juice. With a single diet for 3 days, you can really lose 3-4 kg of excess weight.

About green tea

As the name suggests, in this mode, nothing can be eaten except fruits and tea. There are no restrictions on the use of green drinks, but apples should be consumed according to the following scheme: 1 day and 7 days-1 kg each, 2, 5 and 6 days-1. 5 kg, 3 and 4-2 kg. The weight loss lasts for 7 days, and the excess weight lost during this period can reach 8 kg. Choose any fruit according to your preference.

Apple Slimming Green Tea

Oats and apples

One of the beneficial ways to lose weight is the Apple Oatmeal Weight Loss System. If you decide to sit on it, reserve a cup and 1. 5 kg of fruit every day. Cook the porridge with water or skimmed milk, divide it into 5-6 portions, and eat within 24 hours. Eat any number of apples, honey or berries between meals of oatmeal. You can do this for two weeks on a diet, during which the excess weight will lose up to 10 kg. In addition, oatmeal perfectly cleans the intestines and is good for health.

Pros and cons

The most important advantage of Apple's weight loss system is its high efficiency against excess weight in a short period of time. Even people with chronic diseases can sit on it without harming their health. In addition, fruits make the body full of vitamins and minerals. The pectin contained in fruits adds many advantages:

  • Reduce the calorie content of food;
  • Improve intestinal flora;
  • Adsorption and removal of toxins, slag, and radionuclides;
  • Establish the process of food absorption.

The only disadvantage of this system is that some people can't stand to eat almost only apples for a few days. In addition, the product tends to stimulate appetite, so many people feel frustrated. In addition, a large number of fruits can cause unpredictable reactions related to the individual characteristics of the body, such as allergies.


Like any weight loss system, the Apple diet has many contraindications, and it is very important to follow these contraindications so as not to harm your health. If you decide to lose weight this way, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is forbidden to use acidic varieties to treat duodenal inflammation.
  2. Patients with gastritis should not eat sweets.
  3. It is recommended that people with cardiovascular system problems consume sugary fruits (not more than 100 grams per 1 kg of product).